You can integrate other pages which are very essential for any website with minimum effort using the Site Builder 'Integration Manager'. The pages you can create with Integration Manager are
Feedback Page
Guest book
Custom Forms
Creating Feedback Page (Simple Build Type sites)
To add a customized feedback form to your website, click on the 'Integration Manager' in the main menu or the link at the bottom of the page. Now click 'Feedback Form'. Select the 'continue' link of the site. If you haven't added the feedback form yet, a screen to 'add' fields will appear.
In Advanced Editor mode-
You will not have the ability to integrate the Feedback page through the Integration Manager. You can add a single feedback page to any site created in the Simple Editor section. To add a feedback form to your site, you need an email address to access it. Select the fields you need. If you want more than one field, hold down the 'shift' and 'ctrl' key. Then, select 'Create Feedback Page'. Your feedback page will show as 'feedback.htm'. Then, you are redirected to the editor to continue the editing process. It may help to note that your feedback page will appear as 'feedback.htm' and you won't be able to create a page with the same name in any other area of the site
Adding Guest Book  (Simple Build Type sites)
To add a guestbook to your website, select 'Integration Manager' in the main menu or the link found at the bottom of the page. Now, select 'Guest Book'. You are then prompted to select the site you wish to add the guest book. Select 'continue'. If you do not already have a guest book, the 'create' button will appear. 
In Advanced Editor mode only-
You do not have the ability to integrate the guest book through the Integration Manager. You can add a single guest book to any site created in the Simple Editor. The most important thing to remember is keep the server as a PHP server. Just as in the case of the Feedback Page, you can create only one guest book- when it's finished, a page called 'guestbook' will appear under the Integration Manager tool. 
Adding Custom Forms (Simple Build Type sites)
You can add any number of custom forms to your website using the 'Integration Manager-Customized Form' section. This site builder is designed for novice users. The customized form builder will help you minimize your programming. A confirmation email will then be sent to your personal email address. After you select the site, you are redirected to this page:

Fig 3.6.1
You are required to fill in the details above. The 'Page Name' is read only, which appears under the Page Display Name you enter. Page Heading will appear at the top of the page. Please enter a valid email address in the appropriate section. 
The next section 'Add New Field' can be used to add individual form elements to your final output form. You can add the following fields to the form:
Text Box
Text Area
Select Box
Check Box
Radio Button
Adding Text Box to Form
A text box is a single line box to enter your information. In the 'Add New Field' section, you can see a drop down list in the left side use this to add your text box. Select 'Text box', now you can see the parameters along the right side- the Display Text, Field Name, Value, Size, and Max Length are listed. Please fill out any category labeled with a red star, they are mandatory.
a. Display text- field prompt text
b. Field name- actual name of the field
c. Value field- initial value
d. Size- length of field
e. Max Length- specifies number of characters allowed in each field
After the above information is completely filled out, select 'Add Text Box' which will then appear in the output
For example, consider entering the following values :

Fig 3.6.2
Clicking on 'Add TextBox' will produce the following output:

Fig 3.6.3
When you are done with adding all elements to your form, click on 'Create Custom Form' button, and your custom form is created and you are redirected to the simple editor to edit your just-now-created page.
Adding Text Area to Form
A text area is similar to a text box, the only difference is it can have unlimited rows and scroll bars if necessary. To add a text area, select 'Text Area' from the drop down list. Enter the values required. The fields marked with a red star are mandatory.
For example, consider entering the following values:

Fig 3.6.4
select 'Add Text Area' you will see the output form below:

Fig 3.6.5
When you are done adding all elements to your form, select 'Create Custom Form', your form will appear. Then, you are redirected to the simple editor page for further review. When this is finished, your new page will appear with the necessary changes.
Adding Select Box to Form
A select box is a drop down list of items from which you can select a single item. To add a select box you need to add the items first. Enter the display text and field name first. Now add the items. When you have finished adding the items, click 'Add Selectbox To Form' button.
For example consider creating a 'Country' drop down list

Fig 3.6.6
As you can see here, there are no items (values) present now. If you want 'United States', 'United Kingdom' and 'Canada' in your list with 'United States' being selected by default, you can do it in the following way:

Fig 3.6.7
Now click on 'Add SelectBox Item'. Your item will be created as shown below.

Fig 3.6.8
Add the other items also in the same way. Your 'Create SelectBox' section will now look like Fig. 3.6.9

Fig 3.6.9
After you have added all the items to the list, click on 'Add Selectbox to Form'. Your output section will now look like:

Fig 3.6.10
After adding the elements to your form, select 'Create Custom Form'. After the form is completed, you are redirected to the simple editor page to edit any information.
Adding Check boxes to Form
Check boxes are used for multiple choices under a single item. To create a check box group, select 'Check box' from the Add New Field drop down list. The Check box also requires added items to the list. Please enter information in the Display Text and Field Name fields. Now, add items. Once all the items are added, select 'Add Check box to Form'. Your Check Box items are displayed under the Display Text.

Fig 3.6.11
Add fields now:
Enter Item details and click 'Add Checkbox Item'

Fig 3.6.12
Now it looks like:

Fig 3.6.13
Now add the other items also in the same manner:

Fig 3.6.14
When you are finished adding the elements to your form, select 'Create Custom Form', and your form fills itself out. Then, you are redirected to the Simple Editor page to edit the site. Now your form looks like:

Fig 3.6.15
When you are done with adding all elements to your form, click on 'Create Custom Form' button, and your custom form is created and you are redirected to the simple editor to edit your just-now-created page.
Adding Radio buttons to Form
A radio button group allows the user to personalize the website. Select 'Radio button' from the Add New Field drop down list. Enter the Display Name and the Field Name. Now add individual items. In radio buttons, only one option is selected. You are not able to select another option:
Consider adding a Radio group called 'Marital Status' with items Single, Married and Divorced. You can follow as directed below:

Fig 3.6.16
click on 'Add Radio Button Item'. Now it looks like:

Fig 3.6.17
Now add the items:

Fig 3.6.18
After adding the individual items, select 'Add Radio Button to Form'. Your form appears as shown:

Fig 3.6.19
After adding the elements to your form, select 'Create Custom Form'. You are then directed to the Simple Editor page for further changes.
The new page is ready for editing. You are now able to change colors, font, design, etc. If you use the HTML code, please be aware of what you are doing.
You can create any number of custom forms with this section. However, there is a restriction that you cannot create pages with names such as 'guestbook' or 'feedback' because it can only be found through the 'Integration Manager' tool .